
Ads4Rotate (US)

  • Closed


Ads4Rotate is an English PTP and more precisely a rotating urls system.

The principle of Ads4Rotate is simple : promote a promotion page (which is also your referral link) to generate visits to advertisers's sites and allows you to earn money.
Warning : before promoting your promotion page on manual traffic exchange sites or other sites, you must first add the address of the site in your Ads4Rotate account.

Your Ads4Rotate promotion page can be promoted :

  • on PTC sites
  • on rotators
  • on manual traffic exchange sites
  • and other sites where the exposure time is at least 8 seconds.

The particularity of Ads4Rotate is to accept unique views (by 24h) AND NOT unique views.
In other words, all views will be counted and paid.

Then, if you want to promote your site or a paid site with Ads4Rotate, you can do it :

  • by adding it in the urls rotation system of Ads4Rotate
  • or add banners on a specific page of the site.
    Note that this page is promoted by Ads4Rotate on some PTC, as well as on English traffic exchange sites.

Currently, Ads4Rotate has already generated 12,262,395 visits and paid $ 487.15 to its members.

Other infos

  • 1662 members
  • Rate : 0.1$ / 1000 points
  • PTP with and without IP verification
  • Site created in 2014
  • Country where the server is located : JP


Payment from 2 $

Payments are sent within 48 hours.

Payment processors available

  • Bitcoin

Dernière preuve de paiement

No payment proof available for this site

Referral program

Referral on 3 levels : 0.00005$ \ 0.00002$ \ 0.00001$

You receive :
- level 1 : 0.00005 $ per non-unique visit on the PTP page of one of your referrals
- level 2 : 0.00002 $ per non-unique visit on the PTP page of one of your referrals
- level 3 : 0.00001 $ per non-unique visit on the PTP page of one of your referrals

Our opinion

English rotation system often used in PTC

Note : 4 / 5

Review published on 17 August 2017 UTC by