Product testing

To test products for free, there are 2 possibilities :

  1. register on a website dedicated to product testing
  2. and/or register on a surveys site

1) In the first case, it allows you to get free products to test them.

In general, these are products already commercially available.
In this case, brands will ask your opinion and perhaps to talk about it around you.

2) In the second case, you will complete surveys offered and you may have the opportunity to test a product after several months or years.
Yes, product testing are very rare on surveys sites (except Toluna which offers products weekly tests), but they exist.

In this case, brands will ask you to test a product that, in general, is not yet commercially available. Then, to give your opinion about this product.
This means you could receive a completely white bag or box (for example) which actually contains the new product.

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Name Server / Site Review / Status
Recommended FR-US Les Initiés (The Insiders)
BE | 600000 5
3 proofs
FR trnd
DE 5
2 proofs
DE 4
US Alpha Tester Club