
Sebogo is a free price comparison engine specialized in vacations (flights, hotels and car rentals).

Flights comparison

With Sebogo, you can find the cheapest flight for a trip and a specific date.

As you can see, Sebogo will allow you to choose :

  • if you want to book a "one-way" or "round-trip" ticket.
  • the departure city and date.
  • the arrival city.
  • the return date (in the case of a "round-trip" plane ticket).
  • if you also want to include the nearby airports for departure and/or arrival (which can make it possible to find an even cheaper flight).
  • the number of people (adults, children and babies).
  • the desired class (economy, business, ...).

To find the cheapest flights, Sebogo will make a research on many flight search sites.
Including : Opodo, Bravofly, easyJet, Ryanair, ...

Hotels comparison

With Sebogo, you can also find the cheapest hotel room for a specific time and place.

You can choose :

  • the city in which you wish to stay.
  • the period during which you wish to stay in this city.
  • the number of people you will be.
  • the number of rooms you want to book.

Car rental comparison

With Sebogo, you can also find the right car hire for your needs and the cheapest price for a specific place and time.

To do this, you can choose :

  • the location : the city where you wish to rent a car
  • the location of return: the place may be identical, but you can also return the car to another place if you wish to travel from point A to point B with this car.
  • the date/time of the rental of the car and the date/time at which you wish to return the car.
  • the type of car : mini, economical, utility, luxury, ...
  • if you prefer an automatic or manual transmission
  • if you want to have air conditioning in the car or not.

To get the best price for your car hire, Sebogo will refer to different car rental websites including : CarDelMar, AutoEscape, ebookers, ...

Other infos

  • Country where the server is located : FR


Free service

Our opinion

A good price comparator to quickly find the cheapest flight, hotel room and car rental.

Note : 5 / 5

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Review published on 17 August 2017 UTC by mondegains