
Skyscanner (FR-US)

  • Trusted site recommended by Online Money World
  • Trusted


Skyscanner is one of the best price comparators created in 2002 and offers interesting options.

Flights comparison

Classic method : with Skyscanner, you can easily find the cheapest direct flight from A to B for a specific date.

Alternatively, with Skyscanner, you could find even cheaper flights for a specific date, if you accept any stops and airports near the desired cities. In some cases, this may decrease the price you will have to pay for your flight.
To do this, simply uncheck the box "Direct flights only" and check the boxes "Add airports nearby".

Alternatively, if you want to go on vacation but don't have an idea for the destination country, you can also search for the cheapest flight to an unknown destination.
To do this, Skyscanner has created the "Everywhere" option for the destination.

Last method : if your goal is to find the cheapest price for a specific destination, use the "Cheapest Month" option.

Hotels comparison

Skyscanner allows you to find the hotel at the best price, at a specific location for a specific period of time.

For this, you can choose :

  • the location or the hotel where you wish to reside
  • the period during which you wish to stay at the hotel
  • the number of people staying at the hotel
  • the desired number of rooms

To find the cheapest fare, Skyscanner will search for different hotel booking sites (such as : Booking, Hyatt, Expedia, ...).

Car rentals comparison

Lastly, Skyscanner will allow you to rent a car or a camper van at the best price.
Thanks to Skyscanner, you can also find a shuttle for the trip from the airport to your hotel..

In short, to rent a car, you can choose :

  • the place where the car is taken over.
  • the place of return of the car (if you wish to return it to another airport).
  • the dates of pick-up and return of the car.

Skyscanner will look for the best car rental offers on many sites, including : Europcar, Hertz, ...

Price comparator of the 2015 year

Other infos

  • Country where the server is located : US


Free service

Our opinion

The best price comparator to quickly find the cheapest flight, hotel room and car rental.

Note : 5 / 5

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Review published on 17 August 2017 UTC by mondegains