Echange de bannières is a French site to promote for free your site via an Exchange banner.
The principle is simple : you add a HTML code on your site to earn points by promoting banners of other members on your site.
HTML codes are available for these formats : 468x60, 728x90, 250x250, 125x125 and 120x600.
The current ratio is 10:8 (10 banners displayed on your site = 8 displays of your banner).
Then, these points will be used to promote your banners on the site of the other members of Echange de bannières.
Registration bonus : 3000 displays of your banner.
Currently, Echange de bannières has generated more than 50 million views since opening and generates currently more than 50 000 visits per month.
No payment proof available for this site
Referral on 1 level : 10%
Review published on 28 March 2018 UTC by mondegains