Echange de bannières

Echange de bannières (FR)


Echange de bannières is a French site to promote for free your site via an Exchange banner.

The principle is simple : you add a HTML code on your site to earn points by promoting banners of other members on your site.

HTML codes are available for these formats : 468x60, 728x90, 250x250, 125x125 and 120x600.

The current ratio is 10:8 (10 banners displayed on your site = 8 displays of your banner).

Then, these points will be used to promote your banners on the site of the other members of Echange de bannières.

Registration bonus : 3000 displays of your banner.


Currently, Echange de bannières has generated more than 50 million views since opening and generates currently more than 50 000 visits per month.

Other infos

  • Type : Automatic
  • Earnings : tag CPM (468x60)
  • Contests :
  • Country where the server is located : FR


Dernière preuve de paiement

No payment proof available for this site

Referral program

Referral on 1 level : 10%

Access the site

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Review published on 28 March 2018 UTC by