Echange de Clics is a site that allows you to promote your personal site via a click exchange system.
With Echange de Clics, you can also try to get referrals from other paid sites by simply adding your referral links.
Currently, Echange de Clics is used by more than 400 active members and offers a ratio of 1:1.
In other words, each click you make will allow you to receive a visit on your website.
Each visit lasts 5 to 25 seconds and aloow you to earn between 1 and 5 credits per visit.
This makes it possible to obtain a ratio that is fair for everyone.
You'll also find a monthly contest to win up to 1000 credits if you're one of the 10 most active members.
Finally, don't forget to take advantage of the daily bonus allowing you to earn between 5 and 25 credits per day in 1 click.
Signup bonus : 25 credits.