
Web-Incentive (FR)

  • Closed


Web-Incentive is an advertising agency specialized in the incentive.

Thanks to this site, you can earn money  by promoting CPC banners.

In addition, you can encourage your visitors to click on your ads since the incentive is authorized by this advertising agency.

For now, this ad network offers banners paid to the clicking or timer.

As indicated by Web-Incentive, if you have a PTC or any other script (creadunet, Paleno, ...) that contains a PTC section, you can earn money by asking your members to click on these banners to earn money or points.

Note that you will also find a paid PTC in your Web-incentive account.

Finally, be aware that Web-incentive reverse 60% to 80% of its income.

Other infos

  • 1533 members
  • Site created in 2012
  • Country where the server is located : FR


Payment from 2 €

Payment processors available

  • Hipay Wallet
  • PayPal

Dernière preuve de paiement

No payment proof available for this site

Referral program

Referral on 1 level : 10%

You receive :
- 10% of your referrals earnings
- 0,10 € per referral which create a campaign (advertiser)

Review published on 15 June 2018 UTC by