InstaGC is a GPT created in 2011 and managed by Day Online Solutions, LLC.
On instaGC, you will find different types of offers offered directly by instaGC or offerwalls.
Currently, for instaGC offers, you will be paid to respond to surveys from Your Surveys (International).
For offers in the offerwalls, you will find :
Note : available offers and offerwalls can change over time.
Fly over the logo of an offerwall to get more information about it.
Payment from 1 $
You can be paid by :
- Paypal and Bitcoin
- gift cards (iTunes, Steam, ...)
- codes
No payment proof available for this site
Referral on 1 level : 10%
You receive :
10 points per referral residing in Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia or the United Kingdom.
+ 10% of his earnings (without geographical restriction).
GPTs (Get Paid To) are paid sites where you are paid to complete free offers, but also paid surveys.
Good trusted GPT site that also fit properly to tablets and smartphones.
Note : 5 / 5
Review published on 17 August 2017 UTC by mondegains