CrossShopper is a collaborative price comparison site created by CrossShopper SAS based at Montpellier (in France) that allows you to find the best price thanks to other users.
The main advantage of CrossShopper is to be able to really compare the prices offered by many reliable sites and not limited by the number of sites supported by the chosen price comparator.
The other advantage of CrossShopper is to allow you to earn money by participating in the search for the best prices for products sought by other members.
Thanks to CrossShopper, you can be certain that you have found the best price (shipping included) on a reliable site.
Good deal : CrossShopper offers an extension for Google Chrome and Firefox to make your life easier.
Limit : 1 account per person.
Payment from 5 €
Payments are sent on Thursday (sometimes a little before).
No payment proof available for this site
Good site for fans of cheaper prices to earn money while looking for the cheapest prices for other members of the site.
Note : 4 / 5
Review published on 27 November 2018 UTC by mondegains