
PTCProfessor (US)

  • Closed


PTCProfessor is a site that makes it easier to get referrals on paid click sites.

Indeed, when a user register on PTCProfessor by using your referral link, PTCProfessor will offer him a list of PTC on which he can register with your referral links.

As a free member, PTCProfessor allows you to add your referral links for up to 10 PTC.

As a paid member, you will have the possibility :

  • to add your referral links for more PTC
  • to add your referral links for some English traffic exchange sites
  • to use the PTC tracking system offered by PTCProfessor.
  • to rent referrals
  • to get 50% commissions on purchases made by your PTCProfessor referrals.
  • to automatically get new referrals when users register on PTCProfessor without using a referral link.
  • to promote your site on PTCProfessor with free credits
  • and more.

Other infos

  • 65109 members
  • Site created in 2013
  • Country where the server is located : US


Payment from 15 $

Referrals commissions are paid each Friday by PayPal when your commission balance reaches at least $ 15.

Payment processors available

  • PayPal

Dernière preuve de paiement

No payment proof available for this site

Referral program

Referral on 1 level : 10% (Free) / 50% (Upgraded)

You earn 10% commissions on purchases of your referrals as a free member and 50% as an upgraded member.

Our opinion

Usefull website which allows you to more easily get referrals on known PTC.

Note : 5 / 5

Review published on 17 August 2017 UTC by