
MyCashBar (FR-US)

  • Closed


MyCashBar is a new paid bar created in 2016 and is available in several languages, including English and French.

To earn money with MyCashBar, all you have to do is launch the paid bar and let it run.

The banners displayed on the bar are in the 728x90 format, so the bar takes up a little more space than the other paid bars.
In addition, it can only be placed at the top or bottom of the screen.

Other infos

  • 94307 members
  • Site created in 2016
  • Country where the server is located : FR


Payment from 5 $

You can be paid by PayPal or Payza from $ 5 or by check starting at $ 20.
Note : checks are reserved for residents of France.

Payment processors available

  • Bitcoin
  • Bank check
  • PayPal

Dernière preuve de paiement

No payment proof available for this site

Referral program

Referral on 5 levels : 20% / 20% / 20% / 20% / 20%

You earn 20% of the earnings of all your referrals and sub-referrals on 5 levels.

Our opinion

New paid bar with a simple site.

Note : 3 / 5

Review published on 17 August 2017 UTC by