
Moncaosurf (FR)

  • Closed


Moncaosurf is a French autosurf managed by "tinicos" based on the Paleno script and which exist since November 2015.

As announced on October 4, 2020 on its site, moncaosurf will close its doors on November 13, 2020.
However, his admin still makes the payments and the sending of the codes ordered in store on moncaosurf. (As you can verify in the payment's proofs below.)
In addition, the admin invites you to register on his other site "moncao-clic", then send him an email to transfer your moncaosurf points to your moncao-clic account.

On Moncaosurf, you can earn quickly points with different PTC :

  • a PTC with about 10 clicks to 20 points
  • a paid PTC with a few clicks via banners provided  by advertising network
  • a PTC by advertising networks feeds whose banners clicking are generated as real-time

You will find also :

  • a classic autosurf to earn points
  • a paid autosurf to win some euros per month

To earn extra points, you can register on other sites thanks to PTS and promote your PTP  page of moncaosurf.

And finally, every day, you can get different bonus :

  • a daily surf bonus to collect up to 1800 extra points by visiting at least 2000 sites in 1 day
  • a 2nd daily surf bonus whose conditions are identical, but for paid surfing
  • 2 bonus booster pages to earn 2 points each
  • 1 daily bonus to earn between 10 and 100 points

Currently, this autosurf generates more than 280 000 visits per month and more than 8000 visits per day.

Other infos

  • 126 members
  • Type : Automatic
  • Option : IP filter
  • Earnings : PTC, PTS, daily bonus, grid
  • Advertising via : PTC, CPM
  • Contests : surf, sponsor, PTC, PTP, others (paid surf, paid PTC and PTC (provided thanks to advertising networks))
  • Site created in 2015
  • Country where the server is located : FR


Payment from 3 €

You can be paid from 3 € via PayPal and buy codes :
- Awcode
- Topcode A
- Newpack
- Castorz A
- Bubulles pass
- and more.

Payment processors available

  • PayPal

Dernière preuve de paiement

Payment proofs for closed sites have been removed from the server to save disk space.

Referral program

Referral on 1 level : 10%


Our opinion

One of the most complete French autosurf with also paid surfing, 3 types of PTC, PayPal payments and codes for other sites

Note : 5 / 5

Review published on 19 June 2018 UTC by