
OpinionWorld is one of the most reliable survey sites on the web.
Indeed, OpinionWorld was managed by SSI (Survey Sampling International LLC) and it is now owned by Dynata (which also owns the survey site "Valued Opinions"), which you will see very often when you want to complete surveys on the Internet.

Information about OpinionWorld

What is the strength of OpinionWorld is simply :

Information about Dynata (formerly : SSI - Survey Sampling International LLC)

Dynata (Survey Sampling International LLC) is the world's leading provider of data collection and market research.
In 2017, SSI celebrates its 40 years of existence since the company SSI was founded on September 15, 1977.

Survey Sampling International LLC, it's :

  • 3500 clients worldwide
  • clients in more than 90 countries
  • staff working in 40 offices in 20 countries

How OpinionWorld works

When you register on OpinionWorld or one of the other sites created by SSI, the first thing to do is to fill in your profile :

  • your age
  • your hobbies
  • specify whether you work or not
  • and more.

The profile is very important, because it's on this basis that OpinionWorld can send you invitations to surveys that will correspond to you.

Warning: since OpinionWorld is managed by the Dynata company, to be able to claim your rewards, you will need to verify your identity via the Veriff partner by sending them your ID card. It's therefore very important to register with your real personal information. Otherwise you will never get paid.

Other infos

  • 1500000 members
  • Site created in 1997
  • Country where the server is located : US


Payment from 10 €

Since OpinionWorld is managed by Dynata instead of SSI, the rewards available have changed. Although Paypal remains available.

You can therefore exchange your points for:
- Paypal payments from €10
- prepaid Mastercard cards from €25.
- gift cards for: Airbnb, Amazon, App Store / iTunes,, Carrefour, Decathlon, Fnac, H&M, Inno, Mediamarkt, Primark, Uber and Zalando from €10.

Because OpinionWorld has multiple sites (1 per country), the available rewards are subject to change depending on the country where you reside

Payment processors available

  • Gift cards
  • PayPal
  • Prepaid Digital Solutions (virtual Mastercard)

Dernière preuve de paiement

10 €
10 €

Uniquement la dernière preuve de paiement est affichée

Referral program

No referral program


Our opinion

OpinionWorld is one of the most reliable survey sites on the web. OpinionWorld is managed by SSI (Survey Sampling International LLC), which has been active in the market research domain from 1977.

Note : 4 / 5

Access the site

Visit OpinionWorld (Place des opinions)

Review published on 25 October 2017 UTC by